Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Assignment for Wednesday, March 18

Can you guess where this week's lesson on encouraging epistles is headed? Do you feel the assignment coming? lol Today's assignment is to answer questions 4, 5, and 6.


psychomom said...

Yes, I can guess the assignment that's coming!

4. Paul says that people who are spiritual will acknowledge his words as commandments from the Lord. He was an apostle and not speaking from himself, but God.

5. Paul knows that Philemon will even go beyond what Paul has told him...

6. In Phil. 3:1, Paul says that his words aren't tedious, but to keep them "safe". He knows that repetition is important in teaching and exhortation.

Jennifer Froelich said...

Thank you, Ann. You made sense of her questions, which had me confused (of course, I'm going on two nights without much sleep!)