Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday morning

Can you believe another week has zipped by? Amazing. I have finished Revelation and have started my summer/fall project. I have decided to copy the New Testament by hand. This will help me slow down my reading and promote more meditation on what I write. I started the book of Philippians yesterday as that is our current midweek study. What are you all up to?


Drama Queens said...

Ohhh...copying it by hand! Wowza! I may have to try doing that some day--of course I may have to make my goal of like copying a chapter before tackling THE WHOLE NEW TESTAMENT :)
I have done fairly well this week-I have a few chapters to read tonight--which I will do in bed, but studying/praying each day. Some of what I wound up studying has been elders/deacons/new testament church which has been a good review and I feel like I always learn something new. I really do feel such relief with the elders we have in place now. I will be gone all next week, but plan to take my Bible and read more in Psalms and my prayer journal--although I definitely won't be writing in the car (puke puke puke! Ask Audrey-she will tell you at least I puke gracefully! :)

Qwert said...

Read Jeremiah 4-6. It made me sad to read all the responses by the people to not follow God. I remembered all their warnings. God gave them every chance - more than they deserved - but he loved them and didn't want to destroy them. But now judgement is coming. It just saddens me.