Thursday, June 24, 2010


During the summer I fight with headaches on a regular basis. They are usually caused, or seem to be caused, by my body overheating because I do not usually "glisten" easily. Dave is quick to get that swamp cooler working as soon as he can so I have a cool place to go when I can't cool off. How does this relate to the need to study? I was thinking this morning about how this is like sin and study. Studying is like a place to cool off when you feel overwhelmed by sin - either your own or just society in general. It is a place to refresh your spirit and lighten your outlook - a place of relief. God doesn't change. Truth doesn't change. No matter what heat Satan throws at us, God's unchanging nature and promises give a cooling relief. We find a place to rejoice - always. (Can you tell I'm in Philippians?)

1 comment:

Qwert said...

I like your analogy (sp?). I have that feeling many times - coming to the Bible to get things back in perceptive (getting cool). THanks.