Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Sarah made some great points yesterday in her comments that started me thinking. We call God our Father - and what a privilege that is! We have been adopted into His family and stand to receive a great inheritance. Why should we be surprised that He uses our time on earth to bring us to maturity when we do the same with our own children if we are good parents? We let our children experience hard things as they are able to prepare them for adulthood. We punish them when they disobey to teach them obedience. We make them eat their vegetables so they will be healthy. It goes on and on but you get the point. We like to think of ourselves as "adults" who have arrived and don't need any more training but God has higher aspirations for us. He doesn't want just physical adults, He wants spiritual adults - and that takes a lot more training (also known as trials or tribulations). So the next time your child or grandchild throws a tantrum when things don't go his/her way, ask yourself if you do the same thing when your Parent lets you experience something to make you mature.


Drama Queens said...

exactly Debbie! I feel like this book has been so good for me so far because it is pointing out some glaring faults of my own that I had never thought about. And--as you stated--I am actually starting to see God more in the parenting role than I ever have before and letting myself actually lean on Him and trust Him as a child should a parent and struggling NOT to be the spoiled tantrum throwing child--because we all know that those children DO get attention--just not positive attention.

Drama Queens said...

and I did my lesson today