Thursday, April 15, 2010


My spring break is almost over and my poor old body is beginning to complain from all the yard work, but it has been so fun! As I was falling asleep last night I was making plans for my last two days when I realized that I had not tried to encourage anyone that day. Remember my goal for this week? Encourage someone every day. That made me think about just how distracting this world can be. Gardening is a good and worthwhile thing as are many activities in our lives, but we must not let any activity distract us from our bigger goal - to bring God glory. For those of you with young children, caring for them and bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord IS bringing God glory. For those of us who are past that time in our lives, it's very tempting to feel as though we now deserve to focus on ourselves after completing that job and that it is time to play. We need to remember that HEAVEN is our rest. There is not rest here. Enjoy your activities, but keep your focus. Have a great day!

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