Thursday, March 18, 2010


It's almost the weekend. And it's almost the end of March. And it's almost the end of this study period. Are you going to want a break?

Maybe you already do this, but today as you do your studying, I want you to imagine that what you read is a letter written especially to you. Ask yourself, "Why did He write this to me? What am I supposed to learn from this? How do I apply this in my life?" Sarah's study probably already answers that last question; but for those of you who are just reading through the Bible, taking the time to think about those things can make your study much more meaningful.


Qwert said...

Read Psalms 55-59. This section of psalms are about being in significant trouble and remembering that God is in control and trusting in Him and praising Him.

Qwert said...

To apply today's reading -

to praise God - in good times, easier - but in difficult times we generally do turn to him to 'cast our burdens' but need to praise also. This is harder when our souls are downcast. But praising is uplifting and changes our focus. Just hard to do when depressed, anxious, etc.

But at the end of each of these psalms, David is in better spirits.

Drama Queens said...

so T generously shared his cold with me--yesterday I wound up in bed all of my spare time--but today all that rest did me some good because I feel much better!

My study is continuing on being emptied of myself to focus on God (Phil2:3-15)-a few great points from the author:
-rather than demanding more from God-realize that I don't deserve even one of the blessings he has already given me
-remember James 4:12-"who are you to judge your neighbor??" I am not being useful if i am being critical
-desire to be used BY God rather than to use God. Focus on loving God for who HE is rather than what HE does for me.
-live my life in an attitude of prayer