Friday, March 12, 2010

Funny Friday

As Christians we have such a wonderful hope! Each day brings us closer to heaven, no matter what might happen. Because of this we can continually rejoice. Now that joy is a spiritual one and not necessarily one that causes laughter; however, because of this joy we can find things to laugh at. Today I want you to look around you and find the humor in this temporary life. There are so many things that can make us smile if we can just relax and enjoy them. Let me know what you see!


Drama Queens said...

how about hallie wearing a Cinderella poncho as a skirt--for pajamas last night and as an "outfit" today--as long as we are at home :)

The Lady said...


Audrey said...

I'm done for yesterday but not yet for today.

Ben doing crazy dances around the living room to make miserable Bailee smile tonight made me laugh. And reminded me of my dad doing the same thing when we were sick.

Qwert said...

It is Saturday morning so I will have to come back once I think of something funny. Nothing so far today.

Psalm 31-36

31:5 was quoted by Jesus on the cross, right before he died. After reading that verse I read the rest of the psalm picturing Jesus thinking of this psalm as he was on the cross. He was currently living v9-13 - but v14-24 strengthen Him to continue.

32 - Rejoice becuase you are forgiven
33 - Rejoice becuase He watches over the righteous
34 - David is telling others to fear God - look what He has done to me - protects me, hears, me, saves, me
35 - Fight for me, Lord - my enemies are around me.
36 - two parts; the first part descibes the wicked and his ways; the second part, how great God it and the blessings of God to those who are His

Qwert said...

Looking for joyous moments in the day was a wonderful exercise. Having that thought open my eyes and let me enjoy more those moments. Thanks.

There were many on Saturday but I will share one. I was dusting and found Roger's little Nerf gun. So I pumped it up, went downstairs to 'get' him. It turned into a family 'war' - nerf bullets everywhere.