Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday morning

Good morning, ladies! Of course if you post in the afternoon or evening, you'll have to change that to the appropriate greeting. I'm hoping you all did your readings on Friday or will be catching up today. Thanks for posting, Julie! Enjoy your day, everyone - it's the day the Lord as made. :)


Audrey said...

I almost forgot to post. Done for today.

Drama Queens said...

done for Monday and Tuesday

Audrey said...

Mom has a migraine today, so I'm assuming that is why there is no post for today.

Done for Tuesday.

Qwert said...
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Qwert said...

Read Job 25-28 today.

I liked verse 26:14 - a simple verse summarizing the many things we know about God but we still don't understand Him -

Indeed these are the mere edges of His ways, And how small a whisper we hear of Him! But the thunder of His power who can understand?"

Section 28:12-19 is a Proverb-like passage of the value of wisdom and understanding.

(had to correct typos)