Friday, February 26, 2010

Finally Friday?

Well, it doesn't feel like "finally" to me. This week has seemed to zoom by. I'm still trying to get back to my routine since having company. I'm not sure why it takes me so long!

I hope you all remember to post. Fridays seem to be more challenging than the other days with our group. Even if you forget today - feel free to post Saturday...or Sunday...


Qwert said...

Read Job 29-31.

29:1-6 - Job thinks God is not with Him
7-25 - he is remembering his 'best years' - seems a little prideful - but may just be remembering His blessings to Job.
30:1-19 His current state
20-end - Again thinking God is not with him and thinks this is all from God.
31 - seems like he is going down the sin checkist and confirming to himself he didn't do them. Lastly wants to meet with God to show Him Job has done right.

Although Job is righteous (1:8; 2:3), he still doesn't understand God and His plans/ways. Lesson: we need to do what we know to be godly but we may not have all the information. Reminds me of Eccl 9:11 - time and chance happen to all.

Today I realize the wisdom books are dealing with 'under the sun' stuff with glimpses to the heavenly. Our reality isn't God's reality. So we need to be careful how we judge our circumstances.

The Lady said...

Good point, Julie. It's hard to remember that sometimes.

Qwert said...

read job 32-34.

Audrey said...

I totally forgot to post that I had finished my assignment for Friday. Oopsie.