Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Day Seven

Today we start all caught up with our various studies and with our study guides located. This should be a great day!!


Qwert said...

Read 2Chron 21-25

Couple of little phrases in today's reading that said a lot

21:20 'to no one's sorrow' said about the death of Jehoram - what a horrible epitaph

25:2 'not with a loyal heart' said about Ahaziah

Lastly 2Chron 24:2, 18 - no one can make you right with God - they can teach you the outward signs of obedience but if the love of the Lord is not in your heart (have a loyal heart), it will eventually come out.

The Lady said...

Yea! Elaine is back. Welcome!!

Drama Queens said...

Hi Elaine!

Drama Queens said...

So I really do try to not be the wordiest of all of us--but somehow i always am. I will try to keep it condensed :)

Ok-so my actual lesson for today I didn't fully agree with. Most of it was about God using controversial figures (in this case a televangelist who was in scandal) to bring people to Him. Although of course God can use whoever He wants, but we know He no longer speaks "through" people or has people perform miraculous signs. So-I moved on to the next lesson (which was better).
Over all today I studied how God does not use perfect vessels, because there are none (besides Jesus of course). In the Old Testament, those who accomplished HUGE things through God (David, Eli, Rahab, Moses, Jacob, etc) also made HUGE mistakes. I always think we are SO fortunate to see their mistakes, not to make ourselves feel better for our own faults, but to see the great things God did through them in spite of their faults. This lesson also emphasized that through struggle we saw the amazing works of God unfold (the parting of the Red Sea, the plagues, Jesus crucifixion, Noah's ark, etc etc) I think we are also so fortunate to see people who came to a crossroads and sometimes did not choose the correct path (Solomon comes to my mind and they guy in the new testament--who was he?? who did not want to give up his possessions because he had many). This helps me think that God CAN use me, but I am the one to choose if I will obey. We are given free will, but there are consequences for choices--both on earth and in heaven.
Part of the assignment was also to reflect on how people in my life had been vessels ministering to me. I am amazed at how many people have influenced me, and all that I can say is that I am truly blessed to have so many great people (honestly all over the country) who are honest with me, tell me things that have been hard to hear, but encourage me with love to grow by God's word.

Audrey said...

I'm done for today.

Elaine said...

Arghh! I posted a question on yesterday's comment page rather than today's. My question is; can my co-worker Emily join the study?

The Lady said...

Yes, Elaine, she is very welcome to join us.

I read Mark 16 today. I didn't really notice anything in the text itself that stood out, but having just finished the book of Matthew I was struck by the difference in the style of writing. Mark certainly is succinct!

Sarah, I am enjoying your comments. Don't worry about being too wordy.