Wednesday is here! Today we are going to take some time to look at the people mentioned in this chapter. Paul was not alone in his mission to preach to the Gentiles. God provided him with many good friends to encourage, support, and help him along the way. God does the same for us. As you work through today's lesson, spend a couple of minutes thinking about the support group God has provided you and thank Him.
Lesson Nine Day Three
The weekend was particularly LONG for me and it has taken a couple of days for me to feel rested and ready to take on what's left of the week...I must be getting old. Anyway, I'm caught up and ready to post today's answers. However, I must whine a little. It seems this author likes giving her longest assignments on Wednesdays. I hope the next one chooses a different day!
I'll try to be brief:
1. Tychicus-
-beloved brother
-faithful minister
-fellow servant in the Lord
-his main purpose seems to be to convey news of Paul and the work, and to comfort the disciples on his behalf (he does the same thing for Ephesians)
-travelled with Paul on 3rd journey
-faithful and beloved brother
-is one of the Colossians
-also delivering news from Paul
-formerly a runaway slave that became and disciple and valuable in service to Paul
-Paul returns him to his master, Philemon
-fellow prisoner with Paul
-a Macedonian from Thessalonica
-travel companion to Paul on 3rd journey
-also travelled with Luke and Paul to Rome
-AKA John Mark, cousin to Barnabas
-Colossians were to welcome him if he came to them
-left Paul on first journey, then Paul refused to take him on 2nd
-Barnabas continued to believe in him and use him in the Lord's service
-later, Paul says Mark is useful for ministry, so Paul must have changed his mind
-One of the few fellow Christians with Paul who is a Jew
-comfort to Paul
-One of the Colossians
-always praying fervently for them
-has a "great zeal" for them and several other churches in the area
-beloved physician
-Luke travelled with Paul on 2nd journey and to Rome
-spent a lot of time in Philippi
-Paul tells Timothy that Luke is the only one with him while he is in prison
-Demas is with Paul here
-Demas later deserts Paul, "having loved this present world"
I find that particular note interesting. Paul doesn't say that Demas deserted the Lord, but him, Paul. It doesn't really imply that Demas quit being a Christian, does it? Maybe he got married or something! Curious...
Nympha (or Nymphas)-
-could be a man or woman, versions differ
-the church met in her/his house
-Paul sends a reminder to pay attention to his ministry
-Paul calls him a fellow soldier
-church met in his house
2. Paul seems to be very close to these people, and takes care to say something uplifting about each one.
3. I always feel like I need to strive to be closer to the brethren, but Paul challenges me to work even harder on developing my relationships with individuals.
Well, you are right, Ann. Wednesdays are often longer than the other days so we are blessed that you have that day and are a regular poster!! Thanks for your answers.
Done for today (on Thursday!)
Thanks, Ann. We appreciate your hard work! :)
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