Good morning, fellow students,
I am up and beginning to function again. Yea! I am hoping to hear from you about possible material for our next study during this week. There is a book from an author we used previously about the nature of God that would work and I'm sure there are many others so let me know if you have a suggestion or preference and I'll start making plans.
Week Nine, Day One
I'm glad you're feeling better, Debbie! Praying your recovery is soon complete.
(I'm done for today) :)
I am not first (yeah). We took the dog in to be neutered so my morning was a little different.
My reponses:
1. Why this section is last? - my first response was 'well, there is always a last.' Now to answer - the other relationships are with close others (family, work) those you see daily. These commands will be used daily, hourly. But Paul also wants to address the others we will run into and how to address them.
2. Outline:
- 1. with thanksgiving
- 2. for those preaching the word
- 3. for open doors
B. to those outside
- 1. walk in wisdom
- 2. redeem the time
- 3. As you speak
- - a. have it be with grace
- - b. seasoned with salt
- - c. with wisdom to answer
3. continue - keep doing what you are doing
earnestly - with purpose, sincere
prayer - talking with God
vigilant - watchful, alert, attentive
thanksgiving - expressing gratitude
4. Paul's prayer requests
- for Paul and those with him
- open doors
- to speak the gospel
- to make it clear, understood (manifest)
- speak appropriately
Paul's attitude toward the gospel is that he wants all to hear so he is looking for opportunities and wants to speak with clearness so it can be understood so all can come to the knowledge of Christ.
5. We all have the responsiblity to preach the word. So like Paul, we need to walk in wisdom, redeem the time, speak with grace, seasoned with salt, and to answer them for the hope within us.
6. Our speech should be kind and courteous (gracious) and good to hear, 'tastes good' (seasoned with salt).
Hey all--just so you all know, I officially (meaning I emailed Debbie and felt all nervous like she was going to discipline me :)dropped out of this study a few (like 3) weeks ago--it was just NOT the right study for me this time around. So-I will not be posting obviously. But, I hope to join you all again another time, another book! Just wanted to clear it up since I read last thursday's post just now and it was noticed I wasn't posting.
Thanks, Sarah
You're so funny, Sarah. I didn't know I was supposed to discipline you! I'll have to think of something really mean! hahahaha
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